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Privacy Policy

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Protecting your privacy is important to Grand Vertex Trading Co. and our employees. We want you to understand what information we collect and how we use it. GVT Co. is committed to maintaining your privacy and safeguarding your transactions and personal information. The following policy serves as a standard for GVT Co. employees for collection, use, retention and security of personal information.

The Information That We May Collect

In the normal course of business, Grand Vertex Trading Co. will collect, retain, and use your personal information. 
We obtain your personal information in connection with providing our products to you. We only obtain your information when it is necessary, and allowed by law, for GVT Co. to conduct business with you. Based on this information, we may occasionally choose to inform you of additional GVT Co. products that may be of interest to you. 

Keeping Your Information Accurate

Grand Vertex Trading Co. has established procedures to ensure that the financial and personal information you provide us is accurate, current and complete. Should you notify us of any errors or changes in your information, we will promptly correct or update it. For your safety and the safety of your information, you may be asked for additional personal information that can properly identify you to us, or we may ask you to present your request in a particular manner (i.e. in writing). Any request of this nature is solely for your protection and the protection of your confidential information. 

Confidentiality, Security and Intergrity of Your Nonpublic Personal Information

Grand Vertex Trading Co. maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to guard your personal information. No employee of GVT Co. is permitted to use or disseminate any private customer information for any reason other than what is required for the normal performance of their job. GVT Co. thoroughly informs and trains its employees on the importance of confidentiality of customer privacy. GVT Co. maintains internal controls that monitor employee access to customer information and any employee found to be in violation of the company's policies is disciplined immediately. 

Keeping Your Information Private

Information about your Grand Vertex Trading Co. transactions is private. GVT Co. does not disclose any nonpublic personal information with third parties. (GVT Co. does not sell its customer list nor does it make this information available for any reason.) In the normal course of business, GVT Co. may exchange customer information with legitimate information reporting agencies. This is done to maximize the accuracy and security of your information. 

Accuracy of the Website

We believe the information provided on this web site is accurate and we make every effort to minimize the errors. However, we cannot absolutely guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. If you find an error, or any inaccuracy, please inform us as soon as possible.

Send mail to with questions or comments regarding this web site.


306 Ho SOBU Building JoongAngRo 294, PaJu City

South Korea



T:    070 8725 8982

    +82 31 943 8992

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Grand Vertex Trading

Privacy Policy

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